New selection of films and videos on aashra

مجموعة جديدة من أعمال الڤيديو على «عشرة»

Screening | Chinese Ink and (Posthumous) by Ghassan Salhab

عرض عملين للمخرج غسّان سلهب

aa-archive Launch

إطلاق منصة aa-archive

Proxies, with a Life of Their Own | Public Talk with Iman Issa


دعوة للمشاركة | برنامج فضاء أشغال داخلية ٢٠١٩-٢٠٢٠

Ashkal Alwan Turns 25!

أشكال ألوان: ٢٥

25th Anniversary Exhibition

معرض العيد الخامس والعشرين‬

Posthumous Images: Chad Elias in Conversation with Tarek El-Ariss

In Defense of Loud Music: Artist Talk and Listening Session by Joe Namy

Scripted Encounters, Oblique Gestures, Insatiable Translations: Artist Talk by Omar Mismar

The Centre Cannot Hold: Talk by Francis McKee

Job Opportunity: Assistant to the Director

Job Opportunity: Production Coordinator (Home Works Forum 8)

Against Photography: Talk by Akram Zaatari

ضد الفوتوغرافيا: محاضرة ونقاش مع الفنان أكرم زعتري

Artist Talk by Basir Mahmood