The Artist as Quarry, Creep, or Best Case Scenario: Public Talk by Tirdad Zolghadr
Xenofeminism in Alien Time: Public Talk by Diann Bauer
Listening, seeing, writing, moving: HWP 2016-17 Course Module I
Open Studios: HWP 2015-16
Everything Else is Ordinary: On the Mimetic and Discordant Relations Between the Miraculous and the Mundane
How New York Gave Us the Gift of Contemporary Art: Public Talk with Octavian Esanu
Towards a Purely Instrumental Application of Forms: Lecture by Iman Issa
Source – (Filter) – Output: Seminar with Iman Issa
Screening of Nigol Bezjian Films
Fugacious Presence: A Collective Performance
Becoming Power: Workshop with Heath Bunting and Dr. Francis McKee
Symposium on the Arabic Novel
Method, Madness, Montage: Lecture by W. J. T. Mitchell
Tracing Aura: The Relic Across Eras of its Technological Reproducibility - Lecture with Finbarr Barry Flood
Trouble with Images: Lost Histories of the Licit - Seminar with Finbarr Barry Flood