Performance | Studies on the Movement of a Group

عرض أدائي | دراسات في حركة المجموعة

Performance | Don’t let the beautiful colors fool you, who would draw Goofy inside the rooms of grownups?

عرض أدائي | لا تدع الألوان الجميلة تخدعك، فمن سيرسم بندق داخل غرف الكبار؟

New selection of films and videos on aashra

New selection of films and videos on aashra

Yogurt and Other Spaces of Labor

In defense of digressions

Tigris Phenomenologies: Artefacts, Land, Cycles, Exile

Job Opportunity: Programs Coordinator


“sometimes a wildebeest on the tundra remembers a former life”: The Quandaries, Vagaries, Riddles, and Torment of Archives

New selection of films and videos on aashra

Back to Basics: The Kindergarten Session

Online Book Launch | Nour Bishouty,

Workshop: Too slow, too quick, too small, too big – Reading, imagining, making maps

بطيء جدًّا، سريع جدًّا، صغير جدًّا، كبير جدًّا – قراءة الخرائط وتخيّلها وترسيمها

Technical Workshop: Intro to Creative Coding

ورشة عمل تمهدية حول التشفير الإبداعي